Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 27/06/2023
College College Arts and Law
School Eng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department English Literature
Partner College and School Linguistics and Communications
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.A. English Literature with Digital Media and Communications with Semester Abroad Full-time
Programme Code 319H
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 3 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme The study of English Literature is characterised by a wide study, methodologically and theoretically informed, of the range of literature in the English language from the medieval period to the present, and by study of the structure and character of the English language. It aims to produce individuals who possess a broad range of knowledge and understanding of English literature and performance; critical skills in the close reading and analysis of texts both literary and non-literary; responsiveness to the central role of language in the creation of meaning; rhetorical skills of effective communication and argument, both oral and written; bibliographic skills appropriate to the discipline; understanding of the role of cultural norms in understanding and judgement; and awareness of how different social and cultural contexts affect the nature of language and meaning.

Digital Media and Communications explores the importance of communication in all walks of human life. It draws together a wide range of disciplinary perspectives to shed light on the many ways we talk to one another – face-to-face conversation, theatre and cinema, news and social media and beyond. It allows students to develop their own interests and passions through module choice, preparing them for life beyond their studies in a range of careers – in journalism, media, creative arts, advocacy, marketing and many more.

The wide range of reasoning, research, independent learning, communication and organisational skills acquired from this programme equips graduates to pursue further study or employment. Students will develop the capacity to think critically about a range of topics, to argue, defend and advocate for their positions in presentations and in written work, and to respond creatively to real-world challenges. The skills developed are readily transferable to a wide range of commercial, cultural and professional careers, in areas such as media, journalism, marketing and the creative sector. The programme ensures that students graduate with the skills and competencies to shape creative and digital agendas in the future.

For semester/year abroad programmes only:

Study abroad will provide students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the society and culture of a foreign country while gaining experience of a different academic environment and way of teaching. The year abroad also provides an opportunity for students to improve their existing language proficiency (where applicable) as well as enhancing their organisation and communication skills and their employability through a proven ability to succeed in a foreign setting.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
A substantial number of authors and texts from different periods of literary history
Different critical and theoretical approaches in the study of literature as process and product, and of the literary, cultural and historical contexts that inform both the writing and reading of texts.
Thematic and generic links between texts across a wide historical range.
The diverse forms that human communication takes; its many different modes, genres and styles
The role of media and communication in representing and ordering societal relations, at local and global scales, including relations of power and inequality
The ways in which forms of media and communication have changed over time, in relation to their wider social, political, economic and technological context
The complexity of processes relating to the production, distribution and reception of media and communication
The uses of media and communication in the construction of identities
The place of media and communication in contemporary professions
The key methods used to investigate the properties of media texts, contexts and processes
Demonstrate the ability to study relevant topics at an international institution and appreciate the difference between study in the UK and overseas.
1. Lectures and seminars; an individually supervised dissertation at LH
2. Lectures and seminars; an individually supervised dissertation at LH
3. Lectures and seminars; an individually supervised dissertation at LH
4. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
5. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
6. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
7. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
8. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
9. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
10. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
11. Semester/Year abroad
1. Essays, written assignments, creative work, portfolios, presentations, timed assignments, dissertation at LH
2. Essays, written assignments, creative work, portfolios, presentations, timed assignments, dissertation at LH
3. Essays, written assignments, creative work, portfolios, presentations, timed assignments, dissertation at LH
4. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
5. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
6. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
7. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
8. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
9. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
10. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
11. Assessed as required by host institution
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
Engagement with texts, primary and secondary: By the end of L C: the ability to demonstrate confidence in studying whole novels, plays, poems and films of different kinds and lengths; By the end of L I: the ability to read, with understanding, literary texts from different periods and genres; By the end of L H: the ability to synthesise a wide range of primary and secondary reading and the ability to range independently in their reading beyond prescribed texts in order to diversify and contextualise their study.
The capacity to analyse and critically examine diverse forms of discourse, both literary and non-literary, including own work and the work of peers: By the end of L C, the ability to apply notions of genre through interpretive practice and close reading ; By the end of L I, the ability accurately to locate literary texts in relevant historical and generic contexts; and to analyse the literary effects produced by different types of intertextuality; By the end of L H, the ability to choose appropriate modes of analysis and apply them effectively to primary texts in the course of a piece of independent research.
The ability independently to use libraries, catalogues, bibliographies and other appropriate reference sources; to make appropriate use of the internet, the e-library, the physical library and other appropriate libraries; and to choose and use suitable editions of literary texts, applying a basic understanding of textual transmission.
The documentation, citation and presentation, according to an agreed stylesheet of scholarly written work.
Effective skills of communication both written and oral, and the ability to apply these in appropriate contexts, including the ability to present sustained and persuasive written and oral arguments cogently and coherently; the ability to write correctly and effectively in appropriate academic prose and to apply an understanding of the qualities valued in a literary essay.
The ability to critically apply key concepts in media studies and related fields in order to reflect on their own communicative and mediated experience
The ability to place forms of media and communication in their historical, social and technological contexts, and understand the contributions of those forms to wider social and historical change
The ability to locate, collect and evaluate sources of data, in accord with appropriate ethical standards and established research practices
The ability to understand and reflect on their own aesthetic, ethical and social position in relation to media texts and processes
The ability to produce and deliver academic and professional assignments, reports, presentations, making use of appropriate technologies
Cross-cultural awareness (ability to understand, communicate effectively and interact with people across cultures)
To develop a range of marketable skills including problem solving, communication, patience and perseverance, determination, self-motivation, analytical and study skills through direct interactions with society and institutions in another country.
1. Lectures and seminars; (for BA only) an individually supervised dissertation at LH; peer-review of formative essays and formative presentations.
2. Lectures and seminars; (for BA only) an individually supervised dissertation at LH;
3. Lectures and seminars; (for BA only) an individually supervised dissertation at LH;
4. Lectures and seminars; (for BA only) an individually supervised dissertation at LH;
5. Lectures and seminars; (for BA only) an individually supervised dissertation at LH;
6. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
7. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
8. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
9. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
10. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
11. Semester/Year abroad 12. Semester/Year abroad
1. Essays, written assignments, creative work, portfolios, presentations, timed assignments, dissertation at LH
2. Essays, written assignments, creative work, portfolios, presentations, timed assignments, dissertation at LH
3. Essays, written assignments, creative work, portfolios, presentations, timed assignments, dissertation at LH
4. Essays, written assignments, creative work, portfolios, presentations, timed assignments, dissertation at LH
5. Essays, written assignments, creative work, portfolios, presentations, timed assignments, dissertation at LH
6. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
7. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
8. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
9. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
10. Essays, Oral Presentations, Learning Logs/Diaries, Independent Projects
11. Assessed as required by host institution
12. Assessed as required by host institution